
Young. Wild. & Growing. - Company With Yourself

I've always been that person to enjoy another's company. When I was younger I was afraid of being alone and would always bug someone for attention. Till this day I still bug people for attention, haha but like my mother says, 'You're still an attention hog', like mother like daughter.

I like being social, but at the same time, I can be really shy. When I'm in a new situation or around people I don't really know, I tend to hold back a little. But as I get more comfortable I become more talkative. The worst thing though is when you try to make conversation or be a part of a conversation and the people look at you weird; this used to set me back from approaching people. But as I've gotten older, I've come to realize that these people are not the people I want to be around. With this realization, I tend to find my own crowd or just wander off on my own. 

Even though I am sociable and crave the attention every so often, I have since grown away from my shyness (although it still happens on occasion). I have also come to enjoy my own company. I have friends who are afraid of being alone and always seek that company, even if that company isn't the best. But as I try to explain to them, yes it's scary being alone, AT FIRST, but once you find that inner peace of being by yourself, you start to really see the person you are. You start to pursue things that attract you physically, mentally and give you jitters to even approach. However, that's the best part! You are challenging yourself to explore, to really see what YOU are about without anyone else painting the path for you. 

I came to realize this at an early age and would slowly start exploring on my own. Just me myself and my thoughts. My favorites of such exploration are hiking or being on the beach. Enjoying the fruits of our nature and hearing nothing but the music in my headphones or reading the words in my latest book. Even better was finding that one spot, away from the crowd and all I can hear peace. Peace of nature's sounds and the peace of my own thoughts, as I live in the beautiful moment that surrounds me. 

Even now, living in a new city where I don't know anyone, and the only company I have is my roommates, whom one I see during morning passing or an evening dinner, and the other travels so often that there has been little time to really enjoy this new adventure together. With this, I did reside in my shyness again, thinking often of home and missing those I would socialize with. But again, I remembered, that it's okay to go out and do things alone, to go explore and check out the scenery. To go to a concert to see that artist I've been wanting to see without having someone next to me. Also to just sit out in nature and appreciate Her beauty. 

Back in San Diego, I used to do things on my own a lot. Including going to bars to enjoy the latest art show exhibit, or to support a friend and their music. I recall people approaching me, men mainly, asking who I was there with, and I would say-myself. The reaction was always the same, 'why'? And I would say, 'why not' I'm here for this reason so I came. And they would give me a surprised look or look at me weird, like why would a woman be out here on her own? Why not? Of course, there are certain rules you should follow when female and alone at a bar or walking to your car after a night out. But that shouldn't stop you from enjoying yourself. I learned to be confident in my independence and happy to be surrounded by my own company and enjoy seeing the things that I want to see. Sure, the company always makes it better, but we should all learn to be content on our own.

I truly believe I have learned more about myself being alone than with others. Because when you're by yourself, there is nowhere to run, nowhere to hide who you truly are, and no shame in being TRULY YOU! Once you reach that inner peace, no one can rain on your parade. Yeah being humans we do need to socialize, but we also should take time for ourselves. In the end, you're living your life for you and no-one else.

Young. Wild. & Growing. - First Visit Home Since My Move

I recently traveled back home to San Diego for a good long weekend. I was so excited to be heading back home to see my family, friends, and my dogs. However, when I landed in San Diego, and got onto that Lyft and was being driven to my destination, I found myself feeling a certain way. I was excited to be home, but for some reason it all felt so surreal. I remember thinking to myself, why do I feel this way? Then I started to mentally jot down all the possible reasons...

  1. I moved away to start anew
  2. San Diego, even though I grew up here, it doesn't quite feel like home anymore
  3. Will things still feel the same?
  4. My gosh it's so hot, I'm not used to this anymore

As I reached the front of my parent's house, I thought "I'm home." As I went up the driveway and knocked and rang the doorbell like a crazy person, I was welcomed by a big warm smile and bear hug from my abuelita. It was so nice to feel her embrace again, I hadn't felt that in three months! As I brought my luggage into the house I see my dogs going crazy in the backyard. Both of them jumping on the glass door and wagging their tails uncontrollably. They too greeted me in a way that made my heart soar. 

As I walked up the stairs to my old room, I couldn't help but feel the house so empty. Especially when I walked into my old room and all the walls were pretty much bare for the exception of a few frames and artwork of mine. Again that feeling of being home, but it not being home was present once more. 

Once my mama and my stepdad got home and got all the love only a mother can give, we all conversed as family dinner was being prepared. Once my sister arrived from work, we all sat down and everything seemed to pick up right where we left off. My sister and I still going at it with our weird inside jokes that no one else understands and my mama asking what my plans were during my visit. That's when it really felt like home.

My visit consisted of art shows, catching up with friends, getting my dance in, family time, and a friends birthday shoot, (photos will be edited and posted soon on my website: lizettphotography.com).

It was nice catching up with everyone and getting that "we've missed you" feeling every time. I also came to notice that a lot of my friends don't get together as much as they used to when I was still living in San Diego. In conversation, I made a joke about me being the glue to the group, and my girlfriend said, "Well you kind of were. You were the only one that made the effort to get us all together. Everyone is just doing they're own thing now and everyone's schedule is different so we don't get together as much anymore." I couldn't help but feel sad and happy; sad because my friends aren't all as close anymore, and happy to know that I was/am that person to bring everyone together once again. I mentioned this to one of my other friends as I said goodbye and he told me, "Welcome to adult life." 

As I left San Diego, I was sad to go but so happy to go back home to Seattle. Even though I miss my family and my friends like crazy, I know I need to stop being a hermit and get out there and make an effort to explore and meet new people. As an adult, it gets harder to make friends in a place where you don't really know anyone because the majority have already established their lifestyles and their groups. But the plus side of this is that I can start looking to get more involved in events around my neighborhood or attend certain classes or workouts where I can meet more new people.

Leaving San Diego and coming back to visit, made me realize that I made the right choice for myself. I made the right choice in wanting to start a new chapter, in a new city and a whole new place to explore and find my niche spot. I also came to the realization of that surreal feeling, it's not that I was missing San Diego as much, it was that I was missing the people I left behind. And now knowing that even with the distance, they are still, and always will be connected to my heart. Just as long as I make the effort to keep myself in the loop and knowing that they miss me just as much as I miss them.


Young. Wild. & Growing. - First Birthday Away From Home

This past week/end I celebrated my 29th birthday. This was my first birthday away from home. It's hard to explain the emotions I was feeling but the dominant feeling was blessed. I made a point to record everything surrounding my birthday festivities. From the point of waking up and the FaceTime with my abuelita and mama. In which you can't hear anything but they still played the mananitas for me and of course my mama made me cry. Nothing could spoil my day and the whole day my phone was just blowing up with the birthday love. 

Being away from home, family and friends is really hard but my birthday made me realize how luck I am to have the people I consider family in my life. I'm lucky to have a roommate who is also a very good friend be here to celebrate this new journey. It was bittersweet to get all the love but it was SO greatly heart-warming!

I won't give you all the details as to what happened on my birthday or the birthday weekend because I am planning on incorporating it all into a video for my YouTube channel. If you are not following yet, or want to keep an eye out for that upcoming video and take a look at others,  please do so here: Natalie Letona

Another first for me was not being able to celebrate Mother's Day with my Mama and my family. Seeing the pictures and receiving the text messages from everyone made me feel even farther away. I would have loved to share those moments with them.

As I've gotten older I have so much more appreciation for family. There are moments that we can't recreate, and I wish I was present for all those moments. But that is life, and all we can do is take advantage of those occasions as much as possible. 

That being said, it was an overall first for me this week and weekend. It's all part of growing up and we all have to do it. But I am forever blessed to have such amazing people in my life!

Young. Wild. & Growing. - Three Different Spanish Dialects

Some or maybe none of you know, but I am half Guatemalan and half Salvadorian. Growing up I had to master two different Spanish dialects. And if you are not a fluent Spanish speaker or are unaware that there are different dialects in the Spanish language, there are. So, even though the majority of Spanish is the same, there are certain phrases and words that mean something different in another Spanish dialect.

When you take a Spanish Class you are learning what we call "proper Spanish" which originates from Spain. This is supposed to be the generic Spanish that you are supposed to use when writing a Spanish platform to translate your English speaking channel to Spanish. However, if you are aiming for a certain demographic of Spanish dialect, you would of course correspond your website and or business to that Spanish dialect.

That being said, when I moved to San Diego, the majority is Mexican. Being that I came from a city where the majority is Central American, I didn't realize how different Spanish dialects can be. For example, for me "poporopo" meaning popcorn, is said completely different in Mexican Spanish; they refer to popcorn as "palomitas". To me, "palomita" is a small dove, so when I first heard that word I looked at the person in bewilderment because in my head I was like "I don't want to eat small doves". It sounds stupid on my part to think that's what they were referring to, and if you're Mexican I hope you are not taking offense, but this just goes to show that there can still be language barriers within the same Spanish language.  

I enjoy learning the different words and phrases. There is still so much more that we can all learn from each other. Being that I just moved to Seattle I find myself communicating with much more Puerto Ricans through work. They also have different phrases and mannerisms they go by. So I guess I can start adding another spanish dialect to my list!

When it comes to language barriers, I think when you come across someone who speaks another language or even dialect than the one you are familiar with, try and learn some common phrases. 

Tell me about your experiences with different dialects or languages and leave a comment below! I would love to hear your stories.

Young. Wild. & Growing- Growing Pains

Although I am absolutely loving this new chapter in my life, there are a few little things that I find myself missing from home. For starters, my family. I talk to my Mama and my Abuelita just about every day just like I did at home, but what I am really missing is that big sweet hug only your mama or Abuelita can give you. The kind of hug that consumes you and makes your heart feel the love! But, thank goodness for technology and the lovely tool of FaceTime because I'd probably be doing a lot worse! HA!

The hardest thing - in my opinion- about moving to a whole new place without your family around, is that affection we all took for granted. As the saying goes, "you don't miss it until it's gone." It has been about three weeks since I last hugged my Mama and I'm craving that. Call me a big baby if you want but my Mama is my world!

As stated in my last post, this is my first time being so far away from home and my family. What makes my days better is being able to hear their voice or see their face via FaceTime. This gives a temporary solution for the longing that I have for my family. I know that when I do finally go home for a visit, I'm going to get in as many hugs as possible! HAHA! Gotta keep myself sane until I visit home again!

Alongside my family, my friends have also been amazing in reaching out to me. Letting me know that they miss me and how admirable they feel towards me. Stepping out of my comfort zone and going for what I want in life. My closest friends know just what to say to me and don't ever seize to disappoint me!

I also find myself missing my dogs. Call me a crazy dog lady if you want, but unless you've owned a dog and have had to leave them behind for a long period of time, you know exactly how I feel. It's like a phantom limb; I find myself reaching out for my dog but she's nowhere to be found or held. That kills me. WAHH! LOL! It's like leaving your child behind. I've had that pup for 9 years so of course, your dogs become like family. 

Being that I can't have my dog with me at the moment, I find that I need something to take care of. I have two plants that I have been taking care of, but I need an animal. I guess I am one of those people who just need an animal around. All my life I grew up with furry creatures, and not having any is a little weird. So, I may just invest in a little critter. Small enough for it to not take up much room but social enough that I can caudal it-like a rat. Before you get all grossed out, I had a rat in the past and he was the sweetest thing ever. He would sit on my shoulder and he loved to be all bundled up with me, we were homies. So yes I may just get another rat for some much-needed animal stimulation. 

Although I am majorly homesick, I know I made the right decision in moving out here to Seattle. I am loving this new atmosphere and love getting to know my neighborhood and the beauty of it all. These are all growing pains, and we all go through them more than once. It's hard at first, but we always come out okay. I just have to keep praying and thanking God for putting me on this path because He knows why He put me here. And I am grateful for it all!

Young. Wild. & Growing- New Chapter

Hello everyone! 😁

Sorry I have been MIA for about a month, but as many or none of you know, I have been busy making grown woman decisions. I had decided to take a job in Seattle Washington and had been in process of moving myself up here. It has been hectic, stressful, and oh so ever blessed! But I am here, and I'm SUPER excited to get this new journey started. 

It has been about 9 days since I arrived. Talk about a total change of weather and atmosphere! I went from Sunny San Diego, to Rainy Seattle and I absolutely love it! I haven't taken much time to explore just of yet, for I have been busy organizing my new place and I have finished the final touches this past weekend. That is until I get more of my things shipped from home. LOL 😅

The little that I have been able to explore so far has been my neighborhood in Ballard and we took a look at the Fremont Troll. I took a run the other day to the beach which is literally 10 minutes away from my new place! I love it! I love the ocean and I love the fact that it's so close by. I have yet to go sit out there and watch the sun set but it definitely is on my to-do list.

The Seattle scenery that I have been lucky to see almost on the daily so far is absolutely breath taking! When the skies are clear you can see the snow capped mountains in the distance as well as the lining of tree canopies. It's absolutely beautiful! May be a little chilly than I'm accustomed to but I think I'm adjusting well. 

The weather has been rainy thus far but it's what you are to expect. However this past weekend, Sunday to be exact, there was no rain at all. For the exception into the evening hours. Luckily I love the rain so it doesn't bother me. It's pretty sporadic at times too, when it rains it doesn't always rain all day, sometimes it comes in hourly incriminates. Therefore you have to be prepared for the sudden weather change! 

My mother, the beautiful wonder woman that she is, helped me out on my move to Seattle. From San Diego, CA, through Oregon and straight into Washington. She spoiled me by helping me settle in and get the necessities I would need for my new home. I truly enjoyed our bonding over the 20+ hour journey to Seattle and I wouldn't have had it any other way. ❤️

I was sad to see her go and I cried like a little baby when I took her to the airport. But I mean, c'mon, that's my mama, and I have never lived in another state and have her be so far away before.  I seriously have no words on how amazing my mama is and I don't think I will ever find the words to truly describe her! But they are growing pains and I know this is what I had to do for myself to be able to grow independently and start anew.

That being said, it doesn't even feel like I've been here a little over a week but it is starting to feel like home. It was a big leap I took, and I am lucky and blessed enough to have a friend to share this experience with and this new job opportunity. I am excited to see what this new life entails and you will definitely be hearing the details!

Natalie has flown the coupe and is ready to grow even more! 🤗