Although I am absolutely loving this new chapter in my life, there are a few little things that I find myself missing from home. For starters, my family. I talk to my Mama and my Abuelita just about every day just like I did at home, but what I am really missing is that big sweet hug only your mama or Abuelita can give you. The kind of hug that consumes you and makes your heart feel the love! But, thank goodness for technology and the lovely tool of FaceTime because I'd probably be doing a lot worse! HA!
The hardest thing - in my opinion- about moving to a whole new place without your family around, is that affection we all took for granted. As the saying goes, "you don't miss it until it's gone." It has been about three weeks since I last hugged my Mama and I'm craving that. Call me a big baby if you want but my Mama is my world!
As stated in my last post, this is my first time being so far away from home and my family. What makes my days better is being able to hear their voice or see their face via FaceTime. This gives a temporary solution for the longing that I have for my family. I know that when I do finally go home for a visit, I'm going to get in as many hugs as possible! HAHA! Gotta keep myself sane until I visit home again!
Alongside my family, my friends have also been amazing in reaching out to me. Letting me know that they miss me and how admirable they feel towards me. Stepping out of my comfort zone and going for what I want in life. My closest friends know just what to say to me and don't ever seize to disappoint me!
I also find myself missing my dogs. Call me a crazy dog lady if you want, but unless you've owned a dog and have had to leave them behind for a long period of time, you know exactly how I feel. It's like a phantom limb; I find myself reaching out for my dog but she's nowhere to be found or held. That kills me. WAHH! LOL! It's like leaving your child behind. I've had that pup for 9 years so of course, your dogs become like family.
Being that I can't have my dog with me at the moment, I find that I need something to take care of. I have two plants that I have been taking care of, but I need an animal. I guess I am one of those people who just need an animal around. All my life I grew up with furry creatures, and not having any is a little weird. So, I may just invest in a little critter. Small enough for it to not take up much room but social enough that I can caudal it-like a rat. Before you get all grossed out, I had a rat in the past and he was the sweetest thing ever. He would sit on my shoulder and he loved to be all bundled up with me, we were homies. So yes I may just get another rat for some much-needed animal stimulation.
Although I am majorly homesick, I know I made the right decision in moving out here to Seattle. I am loving this new atmosphere and love getting to know my neighborhood and the beauty of it all. These are all growing pains, and we all go through them more than once. It's hard at first, but we always come out okay. I just have to keep praying and thanking God for putting me on this path because He knows why He put me here. And I am grateful for it all!