These campaigns were created while in school and some created after. This is a simple display of recreating branded products and driving out creativity in a new way. DISCLAIMER: All logos are copyrighted to the proper owners and in no way are to represent my own.

Osprey- Active Backpacks Campaign
CHALLENGE: Create an awareness for differentiation between Osprey and other Active Backpacks
OBJECTIVE: Connect to audiences with the brand identity. Make consumers realize that it’s more than just a standard active pack, it’s a lifestyle.
Active M/F
Ages 23-45
Like to Hike (specifically)
Are Adventures
Look for Quality in Their Purchases
Want An Escape of the Everyday
$25+ Yearly Income
SOLUTION: Create a campaign where customers can see themselves whether it’d be in the wilderness, on a country trail, on an ocean hike, etc.; somewhere the person who craves an escape, an adventure can place themselves in the Ad.
By implementing #LeaveYourBaggage, we are giving them an escape from the everyday. All they need is the right backpack to enjoy their adventure, and leave everything else behind.

“Real Men” Dove Campaign
CHALLENGE: Create a stronger campaign aimed towards men. Something that will make them stand out against their competitors.
OBJECTIVE: Influence (Dove) products for men. In the same dynamics that they have been doing for woman's (Dove) products.
Primary: M / Secondary: W
Make $20+ yearly income
Are career and family driven
Focused with living life and personal goals
SOLUTION: By influencing the esteem of men, we make them imagine themselves in the eyes of those around them. Let them see that they are more than the male in the family, they are the protectors, they are grandpa, daddy, loving husband, the provider, etc. They are "Real Men", young and old, the male figures that we(they) all hold close to their hearts.

Nest Smoke & CO2 Alarm Campaign
CHALLENGE: Create awareness and unique selling points for Nest Smoke and CO2 Alarm.
OBJECTIVE: Inform the audience of an innovative smoke and CO2 alarm system that is better suited for their home than the regular smoke alarm brand.
Income of $30+
Own or rent their own home
Have a smart phone
Likes to keep up with what's new and revolutionary
In need for a smoke detector and/or a CO2 alarm system
SOLUTION: To make a simple AD Campaign that singles out the light features of the product. By informing the audience in a simple and creative way, and also providing some sort of mystery to find out more about the product, and even more features and benefits it may offer.

Unleashed by Petco Campaign
CHALLENGE: Bring local residents to the "Grand Opening" of 'Unleashed by Petco' in El Cajon (San Diego).
OBJECTIVE: To place 'Unleashed by Petco' into a broader social media outlet that will attract old and new community audiences.
Millennials Ages 25-32
Tech Savvy
Constantly on Social Media
They love their pets as if they were their own children
Most likely follow Petco and have an Instagram page for their pets.
SOLUTION: Created a Persona-Rachel, that would Blog/Post/Tweet about her outings with her Terrier-Peanut. With the use of my persona I am able to execute in the top social media outlets and create a buzz by the use of #PetcoUnleashed for the new opening of 'Unleashed by Petco'.