Young. Wild. & Frustrated.- Five Years From Now

Recently I have been asked, Where do you see yourself in five years? Answer? -didn't really have one.

Certainly I know what I want out of my life, I know that I have goals, but in all honesty, there is so much that can happen in five years that it's impossible for me to wrap my head around it to say. Pondering over this question has me asking myself over and over: What am I going to be doing five years from now? So many of us feel lost in this world, simultaneously many of us know what we want and yet don't concentrate on that goal hard enough we trail off the path.  

If you would have asked me that same question five years ago I would have had a solid answer. But now, I feel time is so delicate and goes by in a blink of an eye, that to do everything I want is going to take abysmal concentration, development, persistence, and discipline. I was told by the inquirer to evaluate on that a little and come back with an answer next week.

As a result, this got me to making a mental list of all the things I would like to accomplish and/or be in road to the next five years:

  • Take my mom on an all expenses paid vacation 
  • Writing, and making art
  • Having at least 3 different sources of income
  • Be married
  • Have my career in tact
  • Have a book published and another in the works
  • And of course, to be happy

All of these are greatly achievable if I stay on my path.

Lately I've been telling myself to think more positively.

I tend to go in wishing things will go right but always default to preparing for the worst. I need to stop doing that! The power of positive thinking is so strong that if you go into every situation, good or bad, know that you are going through it for a reason. This too I have always been a strong believer of.

I'm at an age where I need to seriously hone down and focus. Set milestones to where I want future Natalie to be! I know what I want, the problem here I guess has been to have that someone, to keep me on track on getting there. But then, there's that double edge sword - I have been asked that question before but no one has necessarily made me keep to my word of path.

The person who asked me this recently, not only wants to know, but I can see that they want to help me get there. Just how they are so open about their goals and their dreams, and the path they know they have to take to get there is tough, but it's there! With much discipline and concentration on that goal they ARE going to get there! Knowing that, once I come up with a straight answer, they will help me along the way to my goal oriented path.

It's funny to think that we have turned into a generation of instant gratification. There are so many people that are no longer patient. In results to this, myself included, us wanting to reach those goals can see it as nearly impossible, and can't get there quick enough, hence end up settling for what we can.

However, those that do fall, and pick themselves up for the millionth time, are the ones that know they are meant for greater things. With that patience, and the drive for their own success, they will get there. I, will get there.

To quote Brian Adams:

 "Learn the art of patience. Apply discipline to your thoughts when they become anxious over the outcome of a goal. Impatience breeds anxiety, fear, discouragment and failure. Patience creates confidence, decisiveness, and a rational outlook, which eventually leads to success"