Young. Wild. & Frustrated. - Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone

Life is inevitable.

We are constantly being tested and pushed to the limit. Stepping out of our comfort zones is one of them. But what some people don't realize, that when the shit hits the fan, we go all out to find a solution. We tend to think quicker, think more logically, anything to find a solution. Then there is the opposite of that, those that think to themselves, why me, why now? And are so overwhelmed with being shoved out of their comfort zone they just break down and can't handle the pressure. 

In my life, I have been outside of my comfort zone plenty of times. More times than I have ever wanted to. But because of these life lessons and these shoves outside of my comfort, I am the person who I am today.

Yet again I find myself outside of my comfort zone. But this time I am more prepared than ever. Lately, I have purposely been putting myself outside that box. For example, this blog. I was afraid of what people might think, how they would judge me, but in the end, I realize I am not doing it for them I am doing it for myself. To be a better writer I have to be able to speak on topics that will make me uncomfortable. Be able to speak my opinion on things that matter to me and speak on topics that will be criticized and ripped apart. No, not everyone will agree and no I will not please everyone, but that's the beauty of it, I do it to make MYSELF happy. 

Someone close to me has made me see what I always saw in myself, but was too afraid to fully express it. As they have said plenty of time,  would you rather be pushed off the cliff or jump off? Given the choice, of course, I would want to jump off, better I decided to take the leap then someone shove me off. Granted I have had my fair share of shoves off that cliff. But the past year I have decided to take more leaps. 

Being put outside your comfort zone is scary. We are comfortable with the routine, we as humans like knowing what's going to happen the next day and the day after that. But the funny thing about life is that there is always something or someone that will push you off track. But you have to have faith that everything will be okay. But you have to listen and pay attention to the signs. 

I am a strong believer in everything happens for a reason. But for the longest time, I had been that sheep to stray away. I stopped listening to the signs because I was caught up in my own little world. Striving for what I really wanted seemed impossible, so I settled. But not anymore. I am hearing the bell to come back to the flock. I am listening to the signs with open eyes and ears. Faith in Him is giving me the strength to realize that I am never really alone. I know He has a plan for me, and He has been waiting for me, patiently to hear that bell once again. 

I like to think that the people we meet have an impact on our lives. Whether it be for a short time or a lifetime. A special someone I met along this path of life, is helping me find my way back to the flock. They have been my guide and someone I've come to admire, respect, trust and care for. They have treated me in such a way that just makes me awe. This person, I believe, has made me truly see the person I am supposed to become. Therefore, I am eternally grateful for them. I only hope I have been able to provide the same in his life. 

Stepping out of your comfort zone is going to happen. It's a part of growing up. We learn to grow with it or dwell in the past and live vicariously through others. If there is something you want in life and you know the risks are high, but you know, if done right it's going to make you happy, then jump of that cliff. Better I tried than what if.